The current structure of the Guy-Lacombe Family Institute dates back to 1998. Its history, however, dates back to 1992 when the Fédération des parents francophones de l’Alberta created a Provincial Preschool Resource Center. The center then aimed to support Francophone parents in their quest for educational resources in French and to promote the socialization and development of children from 0 to 5 years old in terms of language, culture, identity and life. sense of belonging to the francophone community of Alberta. In January 1995, the provincial center was named the Guy-Lacombe Preschool Resource Center in honor of the latter for its important contribution to French first language education in Alberta.
The commitment and dedication of volunteer parents and families who are members of resource centers located in the province have, in subsequent years, highlighted the need to set up a social project that can better meet the multiple needs of Francophone families in the province. province. Thanks to the work of an ad hoc committee of members of the French-speaking community, the FPFA and the family of Mr. Guy Lacombe, this project materialized with the creation of the Guy-Lacombe Institute of the Family.
Through its resources, programs and services, the Guy-Lacombe Institute of the Family then pursues its mission of helping Francophone families of all cultural backgrounds to optimize their knowledge, skills and competencies to achieve their well-being.